Jason Pirro USMC

This site is to seek justice for his death and to celebrate his life.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Second Anniversary

Jason Lee Pirro

Some people only dream of Angels...I hold one in my heart.

It matters not how long a star shines...What is remembered is
the brightness of its light.

July 15, 2006

You've been gone for 2 years now and the missing you never goes away. You were the light of so many people's lives and our lives are not the same without you. My heart will never be the same.

I miss you and I love you so very much. Losing a child is the hardest thing for a parent to endure. What keeps me going is the bond that we share. The bond never dies and the love is eternal.....

Jason, you are the driving force behind "The Spark". You're guiding us every step of the way. I know that you are with me on this journey.

The memories shall sustain me for as long as I live. I know that I will see you again someday, then I'll be reunited with my son and see your beautiful smile, but until then Jason, you remain forever in my thoughts and in my heart always...

Love Always,
Vicki Van Horn


Memory is a form of immortality.
Those you remember never die.
They continue to walk and talk with you.
Their influence is with you always.

Wilford A. Peterson


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